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What Can Someone Do With Your IP Address

You want to stay connected to the internet, but cyber security is something that worries you. Among other things, you think about how vulnerable you are if someone gets your IP address. Ultimately, learning about someone’s IP address doesn’t need to have bad intentions behind it. Here is an overview of what people can do with your IP address!

What Is an IP Address, and What Is It for?

If you purchase something in the store, you leave a delivery address for the company to ship it. Now, let’s say you want to visit an internet website. You ask for the traffic from that site to be delivered to your computer or smartphone. The delivery address is your device’s IP address.

You’ll see the IP address as an original string of numbers. Your internet service provider is the one creating the address for you. The IP address depends on the router, Wi-Fi network, and other factors, so it’s not directly connected to the device. An IP address serves to identify your device on the internet and helps websites deliver your desired web activity.

Can Someone Know Your IP Address and How?

It’s possible to determine your IP address. You can use multiple methods, including:

  • ●        Checking the device. A person can take your PC or smartphone and identify your IP address in seconds.
  • ●        Using the email you sent. The recipient can see your IP address in the mail’s header. Microsoft Outlook and Yahoo are famous for offering this option.
  • ●        Using a link on the internet. By visiting some website, you leave the IP address to its server. The server’s owner can access your IP address. The same applies to advertisements and links someone sent you since you leave the IP address on that web server.
  • ●        A hack attack. If someone breaches your router or computer, they can discover your IP address and other sensitive data.
  • ●        Using social networks and internet forums. Social media collects your sensitive data, and online forums allow admins to see visitors’ IP addresses.

Is Tracing an IP Address Illegal?

It’s 100% legal to track an IP address. It is how someone uses it that matters. ISPs, websites, and other platforms collect your IP addresses for advertising and other purposes. However, they have no harmful intentions. But if a hacker or a criminal puts their hands on your IP address, that could be dangerous.

What Can People Do with Your IP Address

An IP address can provide various types of information, and people can use it for different purposes. Here is an overview of some potential problems that might arise from someone having your IP address!

Track Your Online Activities

The IP address depends on the network you are using. For example, you could use a Wi-Fi hotspot at work or while traveling. That means the network’s administrator, such as your boss or someone else, can monitor your online activity. It’s vital to protect your information when using wireless technology to maintain security and privacy.

Your ISP and other internet platforms could use the information about your online activities for different purposes. The most common method is for advertising since it helps third parties serve more relevant ads while you are browsing.

Hack into Your Computer

The IP address can serve a hacker to breach your computer and discover your sensitive data. Now, you have a public IP address and your device’s local one. It’s easier to discover the former, but it’s more difficult to use it to breach your computer.

Unfortunately, experienced hackers can use security system vulnerabilities. Your IP can send them info about TCP ports suitable for attacking your computer.

Attack Your Company Server

You probably have a private IP address for your company. Experienced cybercriminals can use that to exploit the business system. They need to breach into the private network and grab an IP that employees share locally. If you become a victim of phishing, this might be doable. It’s best to avoid clicking any external and unknown links while connected to the company’s network.

Use the IP Address to Stalk You

IP address offers geolocation services, meaning it can show your city and area code. Unfortunately, while learning someone’s IP address isn’t illegal, it’s difficult to tell if anyone is using it to spy on you.

Most websites and internet platforms only want your IP address to help deliver more tailored content. Some criminals might use it as an assisting tool in discovering your exact location. It’s not an easy task, but it could make you more vulnerable to break-ins and robberies.

Denial of Service Attacks

DDOS attacks are a frequent form of security threat, mostly to companies. The idea is to disrupt your services and prevent you from doing any online activities. Once the cybercriminal has your IP address, they direct heavy traffic toward your device or network. It makes the network inaccessible to prevent you from using it.

Use the IP Address for Malicious Deals

If someone has an IP address, it could be possible they perform online transactions impersonating you. They can buy suspicious goods, download illegal videos, or be a part of other criminal activities. It won’t be easy to prove you weren’t the one behind those actions. You’ll probably be in for a long legal fight.

Does a VPN Hide My IP Address?

Yes, virtual private networks route your traffic through another server. They also encrypt your internet activity, ensuring nobody can monitor it. That even includes your internet service provider. A premium VPN is an integral part of your internet anonymity and security, and it can be a smart long-term investment. It’s the initial step of how you prevent someone from discovering and using your IP address.

How Do I Stop Someone from Using My IP Address?

Apart from using a VPN, these steps can help keep your IP address safe:

  • ●        Keep your firewall updated. A firewall is a crucial protection against internet attacks, and you need to use it across all your devices.
  • ●        Adjust privacy settings. You shouldn’t accept messages or calls from unknown persons on social media and messaging platforms.
  • ●        Use proxies. VPNs are more reliable, but a proxy server also hides your IP address. The difference is they offer a lower protection level.
  • ●        Don’t use risky Wi-Fi hotspots. If you have an option, it’s better to use a mobile network instead.
  • ●        Use the Tor browser. It’s famous because it has an integrated function of hiding your IP address.


The fact someone knows your IP address isn’t necessarily something you should worry about. As you can see, they can use it for different purposes. The majority won’t resort to illegal activities, but you should stay protected to minimize the risk. That includes using security tools and acting smart when using the web. It ensures your IP address stays protected and doesn’t get into the hands of cybercriminals! 

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