We are all dealing with COVID-19 in the best ways possible. Organizations have been severely affected but with the technology available for our support, we can manage well. However, it can be challenging for managers to ensure seamless processes when it comes to remote teams. It can become even more challenging if you have a sales team operating under you, remotely.
If you are looking for tips on how to manage a sales team that is working remotely, then we have collated five essential tips for managers to understand and work through these times:
Implement processes
Remote working or not, processes are very important. It is the primary thing you need for implementing the management of a remote sales team. A good process can help with the structure as well as the direction your team needs. It is particularly helpful if you are managing a remote sales team across different locations. But, when you have different constituents like lockdown devices for business use, then just mentioning the process is not enough for the team. You need to give the team a proper orientation and ensure that the tasks assigned to them align well with the process.
Try and get better employee engagement
Having low levels of employee engagement can affect your business in detrimental ways. First off, engaged employees are capable of giving 10 times more productivity than disengaged ones. When it comes to remote teams, human contact tends to be minimal - which is why ensuring employee engagement can prove to be a challenge. This is why you need to take the right steps to motivate your team and address factors that can increase frustration amongst employees.
Reducing frustrations is the first step towards better employee engagement. We recommend you build a different prospects team because the sales team can find it challenging to deal with the prospects as well as manage the sales team. It is also advisable to share the accomplishments of teammates and provide support in challenging times like these. If your employee feels like there is a gun pointed at their head all the time, then it can get a little difficult for them to work properly.
Go for a teamwork collaboration tool
It is important to set the boundaries and ensure that your remote team is following the correct processes. Team collaborative tools can help you manage your team better. A teamwork collaboration tool can help you segregate the important updates. Right from the sales updates to the prospects that need to be called that day, there is a lot you can do with a teamwork collaboration tool to manage your sales team in a better manner. Additionally, a tool like this can help with more efficient teamwork collaboration and develop camaraderie amongst the employees who can help each other grow and ensure better productivity, especially when pushed and configured via an Android MDM or an iOS MDM.
Try out the CRM way
With technology evolving so much, there is no way to keep your team from following the right processes. With a CRM interface, you can not only set a process but also ensure that these processes are followed. This way, they can generate leads, mark them as prospects or follow-ups and the entire team can know the status of a prospect sale. Plus, it helps with much better collaboration and keeping transparency between the team.
Hold meetups and set clear expectations
One of the most important things to remember when you want to know how to manage a sales team is that they need to know what you expect of them. As business leaders, setting up clear communication and ensuring transparency is of utmost importance. When your team knows their targets, the processes are clear and they know how to navigate the same. Plus, when the team gets enough appreciation from the leaders, then they feel motivated to do better at their job.
It is helpful for the entire team as well as the growth of the organization. Also, regular virtual meetups can help you see the face of your employees and nonverbal communication can help you understand the problems your team is facing. Plus, in regular conversations, you will find ideas that can help your team grow.
Key takeaways
When you are looking for ways on how to manage a sales team, you can include all of the aforementioned pointers in your plan. Ensure better communication and even collaboration between different team members with usage of modern technology like an Android MDM for working through the remote working set-ups.
We also recommend creating efficient processes, setting realistic and accurate goals so that you can manage your sales team better. Additionally, with employee engagement, you would even be able to reduce the frustration further between the employees, especially when they are in a pressurizing role such as sales. We hope these tips help you and you can navigate your team better in remote work setups.