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How To Fix Laptops Easily?

If you own a laptop, you've likely dropped it, banged it, or spilt something on it at some point. This happens to everyone with a portable device. Although it might be serious at times, most of the time you can fix the problem yourself. 

If you've got a damaged laptop on your hands, don't freak out. We'll show you how to fix laptops so you'll be prepared the next time you encounter an issue. So keep on reading and we'll take you through everything you'll want to know!

Frayed AC Adapter Cord

When you travel with your laptop, you'll end up constantly plugging it in and unplugging it. This can lead the connector and the cord to wear down. Eventually, the power cord can become frayed. 

If you end up with a frayed cord, you want to take care of it as soon as possible. A frayed cord won't just damage your computer's battery, it can also be a fire hazard. 

The easiest way to fix a frayed cord is to wrap duct or electrical tape over the damaged area. This will stop further damage. However, it will come loose over time.

Plus, the sticky gunk from the tape will get all over the cable. 

A more permanent and much better way to repair your cable is with a silicone sealant. You can get this at any hardware store and most supermarkets. This sealant will insulate and protect your cable.

You should use a sealant color that matches the color of your cord. A clear sealant will work just as well, though.

In order to protect the surface that you work on, you should put down a big piece of painter's tape, sticky side down. Lay the frayed part of the cable over the tape. 

The sealant isn't going to stick to the back of painter's tape the way it would to plastic or paper. Also, the painter's tape will be able to easily peel off when you're done with it.

It should also go without saying that you shouldn't do any laptop repairs on your nice furniture. 

It should only take one or two hours before the sealant becomes firm. 

Bad Laptop Fan

A broken or loud cooling fan isn't just annoying. It also means that your laptop isn't getting as much cool air as it neds. This can cause your computer to overheat and it can break the pieces that are inside.

Thankfully, it's not too hard to fix a damaged laptop fan. And if you're lucky, you won't need to get any replacements. 

Small laptops tend to have single cooling fans. Powerful gaming laptops, like the ones from manufacturers like Lenovo, come with two or more fans. These fans circulate air over the hard drive, graphics hardware, and CPU.

Most of the time, the fans get clogged with dirt, debris, and dust. This can make them louder and less efficient. If your computer is making a grinding or whirring noise, or it's hot to the touch, then you'll want to repair it sooner rather than later. 

The very first thing you need to do is find where the fresh air comes in and where the hot air exits. There is usually at least one slotted grille on the side or bottom of the computer. There could be multiple vents, so you want to look carefully.

Take a plastic straw from a can of compressed air and put it into each vent. Blow all of the dust out that you can. 

You may want to put a dust mask on or run a vacuum cleaner. Your computer may be harboring a surprising amount of dust. 

You can also try to suck the dust out with a canister vacuum cleaner.

Open the Case

If the above solutions don't work, then you need to dig deeper and open up the case. There are usually around twelve or so screws on the bottom of the case. You'll have to remove them in order to open it up.

Some computers will need you to open the keyboard in order to get inside.  

After you open the case, you want to find the fan and blow any dust off of it. Also, check and see if there is anything stuck in the blades of the fan that might be messing with it. 

Spin the fan with your finger. If it makes noise or won't spin, then you need to replace it. 

Replacing the Fan

First, you'll need to purchase a replacement fan. You need to know the exact model of your computer so you can get the right part. 

Once you have the new fan, you can take the old one out. You'll likely need to unscrew a frame that keeps the fan in place. 

Then, gently take out the fan. Many laptop fans are connected to a heat pipe. This is a thin copper- or silver-colored tube that sucks heat off of the graphics processor or CPU. 

The heat pipe usually screws or snaps into the fan assembly. Make sure that you don't bend the heat pipe when you take the fan out. If you do bend it, you'll reduce the pipe's efficiency at cooling the processors. 

If you go too far for some reason and can see the bare top of the processor, then you want to make sure that there's an adequate amount of thermal paste. This is needed to transfer heat from the processor to the heat sink. If you don't have enough thermal paste, then you're computer will likely become overheated.  

Now, grab your replacement fan and slip it in. Screw everything back into place. Before you screw the bottom of the case back on, plug in your computer and turn it on. 

Don't be concerned if the cooling fan doesn't start up right away. It might only start once the system heats up. After you've concluded that it's back to work, you can close your computer back up and get to work.

Cracked Laptop Case

If you drop your laptop, it will most likely land on its corner. This also happens to be one of the weakest parts of a laptop case. 

Unless you had some protection on your laptop case, there's a good chance that the corner will get cracked after taking a fall. In some instances, the whole laptop might completely stop working. 

Luckily for you, it's not hard to learn how to fix a laptop case.

First, you need to buy epoxy putty. This will fill in the cracked part of the case.

This putty can be found at pretty much any hardware store and online. It only costs a few dollars and comes in a small container. 

It doesn't matter which brand of epoxy putty you choose. You want to make sure that you don't buy the quick-setting variety. Otherwise, it might solidify before you're done with the repair. 

The Repair

The first thing you want to do is check the damaged area and make sure that it's clean. There shouldn't be any loose pieces or dirt when you perform the repair. 

Next, you want to get the putty ready. It will come in a cylinder with two components. You need to mix the components together in your hands.

The putty will harden as a result of a chemical reaction between the components. It's important that they're thoroughly mixed together. 

You might want to use gloves for this. Some people are sensitive to the chemicals. 

Press the putty into the crack in your case. Use a blade to shape it so that it follows the design of the case. Then flatten it out.

You can use a paper towel to wipe off any excess putty before it hardens. 

When you're happy with the way it looks, leave it be for two hours. After a few hours, it should have hardened and become just as strong as the case itself. 

The Importance of Knowing How to Fix Laptops

Many of us rely heavily on our computers. And when they malfunction or break, we can be left feeling frustrated and unproductive. This is why it's so useful to know how to fix laptops easily. 

No longer will you have to pay someone to make a repair that you can easily do at home. And you might even avoid some costly replacements by making these repairs as well.

Are you looking for other helpful tech articles like this one? If you are, then you should make sure to check out the rest of our site today for even more! 

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