Today, the two most popular and well-known digital coins are Bitcoin and Ethereum, and everyone's attention is riveted on these cryptocurrencies. Therefore, it is not surprising that the ETH / BTC exchange is one of the most demanded, along with the conversion of crypto to fiat money. There are many options to carry out this operation, so let's take a closer look at how to exchange Ethereum for Bitcoin.
What are the Ways to Exchange Cryptocurrency?
Given the prevalence of Bitcoin and Ethereum digital coins, almost all services support this pair in both directions. The user can choose the most convenient and profitable way to exchange cryptocurrency data. Among the most popular options are the following:
- conversion through a cryptocurrency exchange;
- using the services of online exchangers;
- exchange within a cryptocurrency wallet.
Each of these methods has its own disadvantages and advantages, therefore, before converting a crypt, it is advisable for the user to study the conditions offered by the services. We will focus on each of these possibilities.
Conversion through a Crypto Exchange
First, let's see how to transfer Ethereum to Bitcoin through a cryptocurrency trading platform. This path promises a good exchange rate and a large number of withdrawal methods, in addition, reputable services take care of the security of the contents of their clients' accounts. However, this option is not suitable for customers who value privacy. Usually, on crypto exchanges, before withdrawing money, it is required to go through a verification procedure with the provision of scanned copies of documents containing personal data.
Transfer of Ethereum to Bitcoin through Exchangers
There are dozens of online services for converting various currencies on the Internet. They are very convenient in terms of the anonymity of transfers and fast service. Most exchangers work in manual or semi-automatic mode, which involves communication with the operator. Exchange offices support the conversion of cryptocurrency into another crypto (from among the leading ones), fiat money or title units of payment systems. It is also possible to receive money by bank transfer, card or cash.
Conversion within a Crypto Wallet
Another way to transfer Ethers to Bitcoins is to take advantage of the capabilities of multi-currency wallets. They support several digital coins and have wide functionality. In particular, many of them have an internal cryptocurrency exchange function within the wallet, which is provided by add-ons from ShapeShift or Changelly services. In this case, the transaction is carried out instantly, and the commission is not charged.
The most famous multicurrency crypto wallets (online or local) with built-in internal exchange of Ethereum for Bitcoin are: Cryptonator; Exodus.
Recently, this operation can also be performed in the Blockchain wallet. True, this can only be done in certain countries, and only three cryptocurrencies are subject to internal conversion: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Ethereum. To carry out an exchange, you need to do several steps:
1. Go to the "Exchange" tab, which is in the wallet menu, and select the currencies for conversion.
2. Then specify the amount to be transferred and click "Next".
3. Check the appeared application, put a tick next to "Terms and Conditions" and click "Confirm".