The rise of video gaming as a form of entertainment has become widely popular due to its variety and engagement value. It allows players to completely immerse themselves in an alternate reality where they can accomplish goals and perform tasks that are otherwise impossible in the real world.
Most games available nowadays provide a more realistic and optimal gaming experience for its patrons. But updates on games can sometimes require a high performing computer, which is why gamers now invest on a good gaming PC that can support the requirements many games need.
Many gaming enthusiasts design their own set to fit their preferences, but this can be a bit of a challenge. However, building your own PC doesn’t have to be tricky. Here’s how you can start designing your own gaming PC:
1. Check Your Budget
First consider how much you’re willing to shell out for a complete gaming PC. Your budget will dictate the items you can purchase. Most builds will cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to more than a thousand.
Don’t fret if you’re on a tight budget. It’s not impossible to build a 500 dollar gaming PC with quality parts. As long as you do your research, you can make the most out of your money.
2. Get the Right Parts
While it’s relatively easy to find deals on the components you need, you should also choose which parts work well together, and which items will give you value for money. Here’s a rundown of the most important items you need to design and build your own gaming PC:
• Processor or CPU
The processor or Central Processing Unit is the brain of the PC. For better gaming performance, opt for at least a quad-core CPU with a 3.5 GHz clock rate since most games utilize multiple cores to run and the clock speed will determine how fast your processor can perform each second.
• Motherboard
Choose a motherboard that can support all your hardware. It must have the same socket as your CPU, at least one full-speed PCI Express x16 slot, and can accommodate at least a 16GB RAM. Other components you need to consider are the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth features, USB ports, and on-board audio.
• GPU or Graphics Processing Unit
This component is responsible for the graphics on your gaming PC. Many popular video games feature high-definition graphics. Choose a GPU that can run games with at least 30 frames per second. The fps will affect how smooth your games will appear on screen. The higher the frame rates, the smoother and faster your gaming experience will be. Price points will differ based on a GPU’s capacity. AMD has good budget models that offer value for money while NVidia has medium to high-end processors that can run 2K and 4K games smoothly.

• Storage
Get solid state drives (SSDs) if you want a faster, more durable and lighter storage. A 500 GB storage is enough to save a couple of games but modern video games with advanced programming can require up to 100 GB or more so it’s best to get at least 1TB or else you’ll find yourself deleting other applications to make up space for new downloads or updates.
• Memory or RAM
There is no limit to what RAM you’ll purchase since the bigger the memory, the better. Most gaming systems can function well with an 8GB or 16GB RAM, but you’re free to purchase one with a slightly higher capacity if you want to play with high-definition graphics and no lag.
• Power Supply
A mid-range gaming PC can run on 450-600W PSUs, while a high-end build may require 700 watts or more. You can use a power supply calculator to determine how much wattage is required to run all your components.
Other components you’ll also need before you can build your own PC are a case, a good monitor or TV, mouse, keyboard, operating system, and other gaming accessories you may purchase to personalize your gaming set.
3. Assemble Everything
Once you have all the components ready, you can begin assembling. You may find it complicated at first but, once you start, you’ll see that all the components are designed to fit together effortlessly. As long as all the parts are compatible, it’s only a matter of time before you finish putting your gaming PC together.
Designing your own gaming PC can be quite a challenge, but it shouldn’t have to be. This can be fun since you get to pick all the components that will go into your build. Once you finish the process, you may even surprise yourself with how well your gaming PC turns out.