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What If Machine Learning was the Next Innovation for Your Training?

For several years now, we have been hearing about Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning almost daily. As someone involved in training, you have probably already wondered about the interest of these innovations for your profession. However, they remain rather opaque for most non-specialists, even though your daily life, private and professional, is more and more punctuated by these technologies (searches optimized by Google, automatic recommendations when purchasing a product, …). What is it, and is it time to take a look?

What are we talking about?

Machine Learning (ML) is a process of “teaching” a computer system to predict something and then correcting its prediction method to become more and more accurate. For example, from a database containing characteristics of used cars and the price at which each car was sold, the ML mechanism will evaluate the price of a new car entered in the list, or yet to identify the features that seem to have the most impact on the selling price. Note that ML is only a small part of the vast field that Artificial Intelligence represents: AI goes further, for example, its purpose is to make decisions and act following this learning.

The basis of ML is what are called "neural networks". They are programmed by man and built for the training of said machine. They are based on certain important factors that determine the likely outcome of a situation. In fact, the system looks for possible relations between the information supplied to it: an operation which a priori can be done “by hand”, but imagine a human programmer having to determine the probable outcome for each possible outcome of a procedure. Google search… This is where ML comes in.

How can machine learning help manage your training?

The training management systems (LMS) that you use in your companies record a very large amount of data day after day. Data relating to the profiles of your learners, the training courses they follow, the skills they acquire through the training courses set up, the results obtained, etc. These data represent a field of application of choice for the implementation of ML algorithms. Classifying these data, giving them meaning, and representing them allows them to be used for the benefit of both trainers and participants.

If you operate such platforms, you are certainly fond of the reporting functions they offer. However, the use of this reporting is invariably done manually. You will only have information on information that you have voluntarily sought. Data processing is carried out on the basis of pre-determined treatments. However, you will be faced with a major obstacle: the scalability of the source data, namely the addition of new information on users (new categorization, the addition of socio-demographic data, etc.) or their results (new courses, new skills, modification of the classification of evaluations, etc.). For gaining knowledge in various Big Data tools, Machine Learning, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence programs, refer to H2K Infosys, a leading IT online training provider in all the latest technologies.

This is where ML comes in and overcomes the hurdle of pre-determined treatments. Your platform will learn, as data is added or changed, to identify key indicators allowing you to better manage your training. Including indicators that you will not have thought of, and therefore not exploited.

Some examples :

  • Predict the training needs of a new employee or a given population
  • Automatically generate “typical profiles” by identifying the properties of a user linked to the results obtained. Example: highlight the fact that, in a subsidiary, mastery of a certain skill is linked more to years of experience than to have attended a seminar
  • Automatically carry out cross-analyzes based on a lot of information (training courses followed, annual evaluations, performances, years of experience, etc.)

And moreover, for live project-based training, you may contact the IIT Workforce. They will deliver real-time project-based training in healthcare, banking domains in programming languages also such as Python and Java

Classify data, give it meaning, and represent it. this is what Machine Learning can do. Its integration into your training systems (and HR systems in general) is / will undoubtedly be a major help in the management of your training and will make it possible to talk about data that is often only taken into account separately from each other.

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