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Creating a Digital Marketing Strategy for Your Website

To develop a digital marketing strategy for your website, you need to clearly understand what path your client follows, how they live. Traditionally, internet marketers say that there is a sales funnel, and it all comes down to it. It remains only to digitize your sales funnel, and that’s all. In fact, before and after the sales funnel, there are several stages. Let's analyze it in more detail.

To correctly build this path, we need to have a digital marketing strategy.

What to do?

Setting goals for a digital marketing campaign takes roots from marketing strategies as such, the base for which are goals of developing a business strategy. There are many different divisions in the development of marketing strategies. Consider the most classic Michael Porter Marketing Strategies.

Porter's model states that there are 3 types of strategies:

  • Differentiation strategy - creating a unique product in the industry. It is very difficult; it is almost impossible to do a unique thing. Unfortunately, most companies fail to do this.

  • Cost leadership strategy - achieving the lowest possible cost and creating the best price for the client. It is necessary to pre-calculate how this price can be reduced: by improving business automation, hiring low-skilled employees, cheap procurement, etc.

  • Focusing strategy - choosing a narrow niche and working only in it. It is quite popular when we select a specific niche, a certain segment and works only in it.
Based on this model, the following steps can be distinguished in developing an effective digital strategy:

  • Company's mission. For example, the mission of the company “Air Carrier” is to carry out safe and profitable air transportation of passengers and goods.

  • Strategic goals. Expansion of the market segment for transatlantic transportation; increased safety. Improving the general and professional level of training of personnel (pilots, technicians, stewardesses, managers, etc.). Creating a favorable social climate in the team. Maintaining the composition of the air fleet and ground support at a level not lower than that of competitors, etc.

  • Targets. Revenue growth by 1.5 times in three years. Profitability - 2.0%

  • The volume of investments. An increase of 3 times.

  • Company Objectives. A 99% yield is the aircraft’s arrival on time. Creation of an annual retraining system for pilots and stewardesses. Annual purchase of at least 3 modern aircraft, etc.

Client Way and Strategy

The client's way is how the target audience lives.

Step 1. Forming needs. At this step, the client lives with some unsolved problems, but they still do not know that they have difficulties and an unsolved problem; they are happy with the current product, and they do not know that there is a new version of this product. The task of a company is to spread the news about something better and more efficient so that the client begins to think that they need to change their product. For this, you can use special projects, contests, viral videos, tests, affiliate marketing, your own information portal/blog.

Step 2. The step of finding solutions. Your task is to make the client think that they have a problem that needs to be solved. At this step – instead of giving the client a ready answer, show your expertise and build contact and trust with them!

B2B research works very well on a specific topic. Useful articles, books, webinars, videos, and manuals, and it works on a principle that every product differs from another. It is about building contact points so that the client subscribes to the mailing, follows a group on social networks, etc. Use all ways that can help you reach the client in e-based communities. But in no case should you try at this stage to sell something to the client since, at this stage, they only study the goods.

Step 3. Collection of information. At this step, you need to show that your company is better suited to the tasks of the client! Thoughtful high-quality content on the site (photos, illustrations, advantages, costing, benefits additional materials) will be really useful. Capturing competitive traffic, using the information portals, articles on popular topics, for example, "how to win your wife back," using advertising on competitor brands, advertising on social networks. At this step, it is needed to catch the attention of those people who already have a demand, the need for this product.

Finally, what should the digital strategy consist of:

  • Description of the business model of the company;
  • Business goals;
  • Segmentation of the target audience;
  • Conclusions from competitive analysis;
  • Conclusions on the audit of the current state of digital marketing tendencies.

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